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We can guide you through all stages of the development life cycle...

User Requirements
Using our preferred technique or a less formal technique of your choosing, we can specify the requirements of your system in terms that you and the system users can easily relate to and which form the basis for subsequent analysis and design of the system.

Analysis and Design
Using our preferred object oriented techniques or a less formal technique of your choosing, we can specify the design of your system in a concise manner that clearly documents the functionality of your system.

Architecture Design
By placing special emphasis on infra-structure design in complex client/server based systems it is possible to greatly increase their robustness and extensibility. Using our extensive skills we are able to help you maximise the benefits from your computer systems.

If required, we can also undertake the development and testing of your systems.

Project Management
A successful project needs good project management and we believe we can provide the ideal blend of technical, commercial and managerial skills to meet the challanges of todays complex, distributed client/server systems.

Our preferrence is an iterative, incremental approach based upon the principles advocated by the Rational Unified Process (developed by Rational).




Solution Delivery Architecture

Software Development phases



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